Marguerite Cassandra Toroian is a banking equity research analyst named an All-Star Analyst by the Wall Street Journal in 1999. Marguerite Cassandra Toroian adores Havanese dogs and has adopted four of them from puppy mills.
The Havanese dog breed is known for its silky coat, expressive eyes, and affectionate demeanor. The Havanese, also known as the Velcro dog, was bred for companionship and is low maintenance, requiring only regular grooming and the occasional veterinary check-up, among other basic care needs.
High-quality commercial dog food is the best diet for the Havanese breed. A qualified veterinarian can help you choose a balanced and appropriate brand for your Havanese's life stage. The recommended amount is one-half to one full cup of dog food per meal. Also, avoid giving your Havanese dog human food and extra treats because they are prone to becoming overweight, leading to bone and tendon problems, diabetes, and other illnesses.
Because of their silky coat, Havanese require daily combing and brushing, If their coat is left long to avoid tangling and matting. Grooming with a pin brush is effective, and while brushing, use a moisturizing spray. You can clip their coat to a short trim to prevent matting or want to reduce grooming time, but your Havanese will still require professional grooming on occasion.